Natural Food Vs Organic Food!! Whats Your Choice!! Know What Are You Going To Eat Rest Of Your Life!

Organic is not natural and Natural is not organic!!! Confused right!! I am sure we are all pretty aware of both these words and seriously a lot of you I am sure always confused which is better, Organic food or Natural... Although they sound like twin brothers!!! But quite understandably they are not...

There is a whole lot of a difference between the both 
Organic food refers to food items that are produced, manufactured and handled using organic means defined by certifying bodies such as the Department of Agriculture under its Organic Food Products Act. 

Therefore, Organic foods are minimally processed without artificial ingredients or synthetic preservatives to maintain the integrity of the product that began with practices on the farm. 

For example, the use of GMOs is prohibited during the production and processing of certified organic products. A rigorous certification process, including periodic testing, is required. Also, irradiation is prohibited in organic processing.

Organic food must be processed in an operation that has been certified to organic standards, with special steps taken to make sure the organic ingredients are not co-mingled or contaminated with non-organic materials.

Natural food, on the other hand, generally refers to food items that are not altered chemically or synthesized in any form. 

These are derived from plants and animals. 

“Natural foods” are often assumed to be foods that are minimally processed, or do not contain any food additives, or do not contain particular additives such as hormonesantibioticssweetenersfood colors, or flavorings that were not originally in the food.

Thus a natural food item is not necessarily organic and vice versa.

So In my understanding, Natural foods are kind of better if you are someone who prefers to keep their diet 100% real, which organic food do carry a touch of artificial-ism (if thats even a word)!!!

GTA or #GreaterTorontoArea is home to several Organic and Natural Food chains like @natures Emporium @Garden Basket @whole foods etc!! 

These days, health conscious people make sure that whatever they eat!! is super healthy and Natural!! 
@Modhani Yogurt is one of the most popular yogurt amongst those Canadians who love 100% Natural Food Products!!! 

Check out more about the product on


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